Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time writing 4-28-09

Purpose: To write an essay in which you create an original definition for an abstract term—love, history, friendship, civility, education—any abstract term you would like to choose—and to practice employing definition in conjunction with the organizing principles of division and classification.Remember what your textbook has to say on the subject of Division and Classification as organizing principals of composition:"A paper organized according to the principle of division breaks a topic into its components—its separate parts. A paper on the solar system might devote a section to each planet; a paper on a political candidate might describe her position on several major issues in an order that seems appropriate . . . . Classification involves breaking a large subject into categories according to some consistent and useful principle of division. Classification must follow rules that don’t apply to division. First, classifications must be exhaustive: every member of the class must fit into a category. Any principle of division you use must also be consistent. You can’t classify by more than one principle at a time—for example, if you group planets according to the number of moons they have and whether or not they have rings, you are not really classifying. [Several planets have no moons or rings.] Finally, classes must not overlap. That means you should be able to place an object in only one category."In short, choose an abstract term that you can easily divide and classify and then write a classification essay. Be sure to formulate a strong thesis, to define your terms, and to develop your essay with plenty of evidence to support that thesis while using classification as your organizing principle.Write your timed essay using a word processing program on a computer and formatted in MLA style. Submit your timed essay to me online through MyCompLab by cutting and pasting the document from the original and make sure to save a copy of your original for yourself. Remember, too, to copy and paste your prewriting notes to the end of the document that you submit.
Paper topics:
Faith – what is faith? Who has it? Who doesn’t? What does it mean to have faith? What does it mean to be faithless? Can faith shift from one being to another? Or is it a solid block?
What is faith? – dictonary.com’s defiantions vs my own defination
What does it mean to have faith? My own corrupt thoughts on it
Who are the faithless?
How does the family impact faith? – From mother to daughter, father to son?
Is afaith based on a relationship with a higher being?
Does a higher power exsist? Why or why not?

Karma- karma as a being, karma as an energy, karma for the faithful; for the faithless, the impact of karma
As an energy – the bliss that karma can give an individual
As a being – the understanding one can come to after meeting with karma
For the faithful – Those who feel that their actions will bring them closer to a higher being
For the faithless – those who do what they feel is right based on their own sence of morals
How does karma affect those who are afaithful vs those who aren’t – perhaps interviews?

Addiction- What is an addiction? Can an addiction truly be overcome? What’s the difference between an addiction and a habit? Does it take years of rehab to beat the craving of an addiction?
What is an addiction? – dictionary.com’s vs mine
Can an addiction truly be overcome? My thoughts
What is the difference between an addiction and a habit? Dictionary vs me

High – what is it to be high?
Imagination vs reality
The matrix

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